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1980 北海道生まれ
2003 渡仏 パリやリモージュでフランス七宝を学ぶ
2008 帰国 伝統工芸士のもとで東京七宝を学ぶ
2013 日本手工芸指導協会公募展にて東京都知事賞を受賞する
2014 日本手工芸指導協会公募展にて読売・日本テレビ文化センター賞を受賞する
2015 日本手工芸指導協会公募展にて文部科学大臣賞を受賞する
2016 日本手工芸指導協会公募展にて協会賞を受賞する
1980 Born in Hokkaido, Japan
2003 Started enamel and learnt in Paris and Limoges
2008 Learnt Tokyo enamel from a master in Tokyo
2013 Awarded Governor of Tokyo prize by Japan Handicraft Teaching Association
Certified as a Teacher at the association
2014 Awarded Yomiuri Nihon Television cultural center prize by JHTA.
2015 Awarded a prize from Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology by JHTA.
2016 Awarded the top prize by JHTA
Certified as a Master by JHTA
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